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What is Big Dick Energy and How Is It Associated with Penis Enlargement?

Confidence is one of the top five reported most attractive traits someone can have. People who are confident carry themselves differently and have a different impact on the world around them than those who feel insecure.

Some would say that some of these confident people have big dick energy (or BDE, for short).

Yes, that phrase hasn’t been trending for a few years now, but if you’re still wondering what it means, we’re here to answer your questions. Read on to learn all about big dick energy.

What Is Big Dick Energy? 

In short, big dick energy is effortless confidence. It’s the confidence of walking through the world knowing that you have something to offer. In this case, that something is, well, a big penis.

“Big dick energy” first hit the internet several years ago after Ariana Grande posted a tweet about her then-fiance Pete Davidson’s “endowment.” Twitter loved that and decided that it made sense because Pete definitely has “big dick energy.”

This means that of course, he’s well endowed. How could he not be with the way he carries himself? 

Big dick energy requires charisma but not cockiness (ironically). People with big dick energy feel self-assured without being selfish or self-important. These people make everyone around them feel happier instead of pushing them down.

There are confident people who don’t have big dick energy. Those people tend to, instead, display toxic masculinity. 

Someone with big dick energy will not be brought down by petty insults because their confidence comes from within. 

Does Big Dick Energy Have Anything at All to Do With Penis Size?

Don’t let the name confuse you. Big dick energy has nothing at all to do with penis size. It’s mind above all else. Your physical penis, if you have one, is inconsequential. 

There were some complaints about “big dick energy” as a phrase when it first hit the internet because it is, in a way, body shaming. If big dick energy is a good thing, does that mean that larger penises are inherently better? 

While the name may be misleading, big dick energy is about what’s in your brain, not in your pants. People of all penis sizes can have big dick energy if they put their minds to it. 

Do You Even Need a Penis to Have Big Dick Energy?

You don’t need a penis at all to have big dick energy. As a matter of fact, many celebrities that have “big dick energy” don’t have penises.

Rihanna, for example, is a good example of someone without a penis who still has big dick energy. It’s all about her confidence, her charisma, and her swagger. 

No penis? No problem. You can still have BDE. 

Will Penis Enlargement Surgery Give You “Big Dick Energy?”

Many people with penises who feel like they have “small dick energy” think that penis enlargement is the answer. Unfortunately, as we mentioned, penis size doesn’t have a lot to do with big dick energy at all. Many people without penises or with below-average penises, still have big dick energy.

That said, if your penis size is the only thing that makes you feel less confident, it’s possible that getting penis enlargement surgery in Atlanta (or anywhere, really) will help. You can read more now to see if it’s right for you.

You have to go through an attitude adjustment alongside your penis enlargement, however, so seeing a therapist or life coach might also be beneficial. 

Signs That Someone Has Big Dick Energy

So how do you know if you or someone you know has big dick energy if you can’t literally see it on the body? Here are a few signs. 

They’re Influential

People with big dick energy have a serious influence. Often, that influence is unexplainable. Someone may not seem like the most attractive or interesting person in the room, but something about them still seems infectious. 

People around them may start mimicking their behaviors or flocking toward them.

People Are Happy to Know Them

People with big dick energy are generally popular. Even if they don’t have a large friend group, people have good things to say about them. Because people with big dick energy tend to lift others up, this makes sense.

They Take Criticism Well

When someone has big dick energy, they understand that criticism isn’t a bad thing. They can take jokes and insults in stride, even if they’re not constructive.

This isn’t to say that you can’t hurt their feelings, but they’ll generally respond with grace and wit rather than getting aggressive.

Signs That Someone Does Not Have Big Dick Energy

They Push Others Down to Bring Themselves Up

When someone does not have big dick energy, they feel the need to push others down. They tend to display toxic traits and aggression toward others. 

They Respond Poorly to Rejection

People without big dick energy do not take kindly to rejection or criticism. They take these things personally, but instead of introspecting, they lash out. 

They Need External Validation

It’s normal to need some external validation, but if someone relies on that validation at all times, it’s a sign they don’t have big dick energy. People with big dick energy need to feel self-assured.

Big Dick Energy: Do You Have It?

Big dick energy is a mindset, and it’s not one that everyone can get into. If you want to emanate big dick energy, you need to work on yourself. 

Start building confidence, working on social skills, and developing a healthy attitude toward yourself and others. If you’re lucky, people might think you have big dick energy one day.

For more helpful articles about all of your most-asked questions, check out the rest of the site.

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