During emergencies, most people tend to go for the quickest way to address the problem or situation. It goes the same with the plumbing issues. When you encounter an emergency plumbing problem in your house, you might immediately look for a plumber to hire and fix the problem. Most of the time, you tend to choose the plumbers who respond to your call quickly and are able to rush to your home in no time. Unfortunately, you miss out on one of the most important things, which is the plumbers’ background check. Do you ever realize that neglecting this method could lead you to another bigger problem?
While background checking on the plumber seems to be missed out quite often, it is actually very crucial to ensure that you are hiring the reliable and qualified emergency plumbers Sydney to solve your plumbing issues. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see plumbing scams happening anywhere and anytime. There are many cases where people are being scammed by dodgy plumbers, who cause them to lose a fortune, leave with unfixed problems, or create even bigger problems.
Therefore, it is actually in your best interest to check the background of potential plumbing specialist company you are about to hire and don’t hesitate to call them to get as much information you need. This method is beneficial to help you avoid any plumbing scams that can occur.
Here are numerous lies dodgy plumbers tell customers.
- “It’s okay to have no license.”
In Sydney, there are thousands of plumbing specialists that could offer you a cheap and quick plumbing service. But, not all of them actually have professional plumbing licenses that are issued by the government. Don’t fall for the lower service prices that they are offering. The professional plumbers Sydney with a licensehave not only been proven for their excellent qualifications and skills but also covered with insurance for any working accidents. This will certainly reduce the potential mistake that they made during their work, and also prevent you from liability if any unwanted accidents happen to the plumbers while they are fixing your plumbing issue. Therefore, don’t forget to ask them for their license certification and proof of insurance before you decided to hire them to come and address your plumbing issue.
- “You need to pay for everything in advance.”
If you find plumbers who ask for the full payment upfront even before starting the work, leave them alone. There is a possibility that those plumbers are scammers. It’s totally fair when the plumbing specialist asks for a down payment of up to half of the cost estimation. But, don’t ever pay them the full charge before they finish the work. You can also negotiate with the plumber for a payment scheme to ensure the fairness for both sides.
- “It turns out to be a much harder job than I thought.”
When you are about to make a deal with the plumber, always make sure to ask for full details of the work, including the number of plumbing workers to employ, date and time of visit, and work completion estimation. On the visiting day, it is important to check if the number of plumbers who come to your building is different than the deal. Dodgy plumbers are not hesitated to bring sub-contractors along on the visiting day, saying they need additional help to finish the work faster. In fact, you will be charged with the additional cost for the sub-contractors at the end of the day. Even worse, some of them can also prolong the work duration to earn extra labor costs.